Registered Dietitian Services
Registered dietitians are highly qualified health professionals who are uniquely trained to translate scientific research about food and nutrition into practical solutions for individuals and families.
Registered dietitians provide leadership in interprofessional teams to support the nutritional health of the population. Also, Registered dietitians are the ONLY regulated nutrition professional and can help by providing expert guidance and support to you and your family based on current research and recommendations.
To be a registered dietitian, you must be registered with the College of Dietitians of Ontario. Want to check if the person you are seeing is really a dietitian? Search their name in the “Register of Dietitians” section at
Remember, the term “nutritionist” is not a protected title in Ontario and therefore anyone can use it. Be sure that you are getting trustworthy advice from a reliable source!
Registered dietitians can help you with various nutrition related problems and chronic conditions including (but not limited to):
- Healthy eating and meal planning
- Weight loss and weight management
- Gastrointestinal Health
- Seniors Health and Nutritional concerns in older age
- Child and Infant Nutrition
- Pregnancy and Lactation
- Eating Disorders
- Nutritional deficiencies or risk of
- Chronic disease management
- Texture modified diets
- Malnutrition or undernutrition
- Low income meal planning
- Special diets (such as: vegetarian, gluten free, vegan, etc…)
- Sports nutrition
** Grocery store tours and phone consultations are also available upon request**
Please note that there is NO FEE for registered dietitian services. Please book an appointment with one of our registered dietitians today by calling 613-342-4076, or speak with your doctor at your next appointment!
Check out, a website from Dietitians of Canada with lots of nutrition information & recipes!
Dietitian’s Corner!
5 Things to do with Beans!
One Pot Tomato Chickpeas & Orzo
Hearty Lentil Spaghetti
Curried Vegetable & Chickpea Stew
Seasonal Spotlight: Rhubarb